LIFE-IP CEI Greece: LIFE-IP Circular economy implementation in Greece

The project “Circular economy implementation in Greece” – LIFE-IP CEI Greece is co-funded by the European Union’s LIFE program, which will start in 2019.

LIFE-IP CEI Greece is a LIFE Integrated Project for Greece with a total of 19 partners aiming at implementing the National Waste Management Plan, the National Waste Prevention Strategic Plan and the National Strategy for the Circular Economy. The implementation of the above will be done through demonstrative actions in the Municipalities involved in the project, such as the organization of the collection and management of all waste streams in island and mountain municipalities, the preparation of the country for new and upcoming legislation about waste and circular economy e.g. disposable plastics, the creation of reuse centers in Athens and Thessaloniki, the development of standards, etc. Also the project aims to develop monitoring indicators for the circular economy, as well as the creation of financial tools to enhance it through funding programs for local government.

The duration of the project is 8 years with a budget of € 16.7 million. The NCESD budget is estimated at 444,837 € (EU funding 266,902).

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