Interreg Europe -INVALIS: Protecting European Biodiversity from Invasive Alien Species (PGI05271 INVALIS)

The project “Protecting European Biodiversity from Invasive Alien Species” – INVALIS, is co-funded by the European Union’s Interreg Europe Territorial Cooperation Program.

INVALIS brings together 7 partners from 7 countries to develop and implement environmental policies to address the problem of invasive alien species that pose a major threat to biodiversity and ecosystem services. Implementation of the project should enable the participating local and regional authorities to address common challenges related to biological invasions.

In particular, INVALIS’s main objective is to improve the implementation of policy tools for the regions involved, by promoting the integration of new measures and interventions for the timely detection, control and management of invasive alien species. The project includes experience exchange actions, communication and information dissemination actions, and project technical and financial management actions.

The project has a duration of 5 years (June 2018 – May 2023) with a budget of € 1.38 million (85% EU funding) The budget for NCESD is € 226.666 (€ 192.666 EU funding).


  1. National Center for the Environment and Sustainable Development (Leading Partner)
  2. Lombardy Foundation for the Environment
  3. Regional Ministry for environment and rural, agricultural policies and territory – Regional Govenrment of Extremadura
  4. Corsican Agency of Environment
  5. Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency
  6. Institute of Sciences, Technologies and Agroenvironment of the University of Porto
  7. Zemgale Planning Region

The project has a duration of 5 years (June 2018 – May 2023) with a budget of € 1.38 million (85% EU funding) The budget for NCESD is € 226.666 (€ 192.666 EU funding).

NCESD has undertaken the overall technical and financial management of the project and the communication with the Managing Authority of the Interreg Europe program. For more information visit the project website:

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