LIFE – NanoEXPLORE: Integrated approach for exposure and health effects monitoring of engineered nanomaterials in workplaces and urban areas (LIFE17 ENV/GR/000285)

The LIFE NanoEXPLORE Project: “Integrated approach for exposure and health effects monitoring of engineered nanomaterials in workplaces and urban areas” is co-funded by the European Union’s LIFE program .

LIFE NanoEXPLORE is a multidisciplinary project involving 7 partners from 5 countries to investigate the impact on human health of exposure to nanoparticles in work environments as well as in urban areas. The objective will be achieved through the creation and construction of a standard device for measuring nanoparticles in the atmosphere and conducting a biomarker measurement program to identify potential human health impacts from exposure to nanoparticles.

The project has a duration of 53 months (September 2018 – February 2022) with a budget of € 1.35 million (60% EU funding). The budget for the NCESD is € 49,190 (€ 29,514 EU funding).


  1. ALCON Consultant Engineers Ltd, ALCON (Greece) (Leading Partner)
  2. Instituto Tecnológico del Embalaje, Transporte y Logística, ITENE (Spain)
  3. Institut Universitaire romand de Santé au Travail, IST (Switzerland)
  4. National Centre for the Environment and Sustainable Development, NCESD (Greece)
  5. RAMEM S.A., RAMEM (Spain)
  6. Universita degli Studi di Torino, UNITO (Italy)
  7. Yordas Limited, Yordas (United Kingdom)

For more information visit the project website:

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