The Natural Environment and Climate Change Agency (NECCA) is a Legal Entity of Private Law supervised by the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MEEN). NECCA was formed in 2020, being the successor of the National Center for Environment and Sustainable Development (NCESD) with administrative and financial autonomy (law 4685 / 2020).
The aim of NECCA is to implement the policy set by the Ministry of Environment and Energy for (i) the management of protected areas in Greece, the conservation of biodiversity and (ii) the promotion and implementation of actions for sustainable development actions and climate change.Regarding the conservation of protected areas, NECCA (a) coordinates the implementation of the policy for protected areas (b) conducts scientific research and studies, (c) prepares a Five- Year Action Plan, (d) monitors the implementation of the Priority Actions Framework (e) organizes a dedicated web portal (f) undertakes support for natural state monitoring networks, (g) implements programs, (h) cooperates with European and international organizations, public and private scientific and productive bodies, and non-governmental organizations for the management of protected areas.
Regarding the promotion of sustainable development and climate change, NECCA: (a) collects and treats data on the environment and climate change, (b) supports MEEN to meet the obligations of Greek administration towards the European Environment Agency, to take action, implement plans and prepare reports as required by the national, European and international law; (c) implements programs, projects and actions of environmental nature; (d) takes action to disseminate environmental policy; to cooperate with all stakeholders and to raise public awareness for the environment and sustainable development.
Main funding sources of NECCA are a) the regular budget of MEEN, b) the State Budget, c) bodies and organizations of the public and private sector, the European Union and other European or international organizations for the projects under implementation, d) the Green Fund, e) percentages of sources derived from incomes related to e.g. the exploitation of the country’s energy sources, fines from violation of environmental legislation.
NCESD Projects
LIFE-IP CEI Greece: LIFE-IP Circular economy implementation in Greece
The project “Circular economy implementation in Greece” – LIFE-IP CEI Greece is co-funded by the European Union’s LIFE program, which will start in 2019. LIFE-IP …
Interreg Europe -INVALIS: Protecting European Biodiversity from Invasive Alien Species (PGI05271 INVALIS)
The project “Protecting European Biodiversity from Invasive Alien Species” – INVALIS, is co-funded by the European Union’s Interreg Europe Territorial Cooperation Program. INVALIS brings together …
LIFE-IP ADAPTInGR: Climate Change Adaptation Observatory: Monitoring, supporting and driving adaptation policy implementation in Greece (LIFE17 IPC/GR/000006)
The project “Boosting the implementation of adaptation policy across Greece” – LIFE-IP ADAPTInGR is co-funded by the European Union’s LIFE program. LIFE-IP ADAPTInGR is a …
LIFE – NanoEXPLORE: Integrated approach for exposure and health effects monitoring of engineered nanomaterials in workplaces and urban areas (LIFE17 ENV/GR/000285)
The LIFE NanoEXPLORE Project: “Integrated approach for exposure and health effects monitoring of engineered nanomaterials in workplaces and urban areas” is co-funded by the European …